Clients / Artelia Italia S.p.A.
Skills Used / Benghazi (Libya), 2018-2019
  • Security Systems

Preliminary and Conceptual Design, Front-End Engineering Design

The activity involved the design of the Security Systems for the National Oil Company Headquarters in Benghazi, Libya. The project was developed on behalf of Artelia Italia S.p.A., which was commissioned by the National Oil Corporation (NOC), the national oil company of Libya. The architectural project is by Studio Boeri. The settlement designed for the National Oil Company of Libya includes a total of 6 buildings (3 office buildings, a conference center, a bank and a hotel) and open spaces that will create a new business centre in Bengasi. The site will attract about 3.300 employees and 1.300 visitors every day and will represent one of the major attractions and landmarks of Benghazi. The project includes the following systems: CCTV system, Intrusion Detection System, Access Control System, Intercom System, Security Supervision and Management System. The strategy for the protection of the NOC settlement combines multiple mitigating security controls and multiple layers of defense (“layered security”), and involves the use of technologically advanced solutions.